Programme Sponsorship and Governance; Keys to a Successful Project Outcome

Directors and Executives are the driving force of any business. The buck ultimately starts and stops with those in charge, but is it all too easy to delegate responsibility when it comes to implementing Programmes? For any Programme to be successful, it needs “buy-in” from the ground up; the best way to ensure this happens effectively is for senior members of staff to lead by example, as this will ultimately filter down and leave no room for excuses or negotiation, whilst keeping employees and management staff accountable.

Lead by example

Whenever change is made within a business, no matter how big or small, there will undoubtedly be resistance on some level. As a leader of the business, how can you expect your employees to be confident in and embrace any changes being implemented if you aren’t? By having complete faith in both the principle and execution of any Project, your decisiveness and effective communication in the projected benefits for both the business as a whole and its employees individually will inevitably have a positive impact on the Project’s effectiveness.

Much like the usual day-to-day running of any business, a successful programme needs strict governance and effective leadership to guarantee end goals are achieved and the intended direction never waivers. This isn’t to say that you need to be the driving force on the front line, but instead that if any accountability is delegated that the appropriate members are supported fully by yourself and your team.

One step at a time

Although positive change is always a good thing for any business’ viability in the modern marketplace, it is important to ensure that each Project is given all the attention and support that it requires to be 100% successful. This is more important than it sounds, as whilst no Director or Executive wishes to implement an unsuccessful Programme, the knock-on repercussions of such an outcome can be far more detrimental than the actual failure or adjusted effectiveness of the Programme.

Feedback is key

It’s imperative that any programme is given a forum in which issues can be raised as they arise, discussed with all concerned and overcome effectively, with any timescales, goals or expectations adjusted appropriately to maintain “buy-in” throughout the organisation. Objective feedback (positive or negative) is not to be under-estimated as it can be a significant “learn” and can be extrapolated into future programme/project plans and initiatives, to ensure smooth and progressive implementation.


NDJ Consulting has significant experience in providing the resources required to support organisations undertaking Business Transformation and Change programmes; if you wish to discuss your recruitment needs, please contact Neil Jury.